I am a farmer and professional animal behaviourist from Southwest Queensland and best known for my work as a presenter and spokesperson.
You may have seen me on TV or social media, heard me on radio or read me in newspapers and magazines. I've become one Australia's best live performance hosts bringing together my love of animals and Australian bush culture to connect audiences with positive modern training methods through Entertainment, Engagement and Education!
A bit of the back story...
I started life as the 11th kid to hardworking graziers and farmers Lucille and Max. Life on our huge station gave me a real understanding of the role of primary producers in the wider world and how to coexist with nature in our unforgiving outback.
My job from a very early age was to manage and care for our many working dogs. Aside from being critical to the running of the farm, they taught me about building relationships based on trust, respect, kindness and valuing each other.
My early experience with breeding, raising and working with dogs taught they are not just as workmates, but best mates. Our farm dogs were my first friends, my companions and confidants in a world where I often felt confused, isolated and different.
In 2001 I leapt onto the world stage in an unusual way; as an international male model! For an intensely shy kid from the bush the catwalk and being in front of a camera was very different. I had a one-way ticket around the world, travelling to over 80 countries and experiencing many different cultures. It also gave me the confidence to start sharing my story.
So, in 2006 I decided to audition for television's ‘Big Brother'. What a ride!
Since then, I have shared my story of the adversity of growing up as a young gay man in the bush, the challenges to my mental wellbeing as well as surviving a parachuting accident.
In 2019 I co-founded an NFP organisation in Sydney's west to support kids that have fallen through the cracks, kids that have experienced suspension, been expelled or who have dropped out of school, and give them a voice. The secret ingredient to this work was dogs. And what dogs do is create a sense of belonging, reminding young people that they have a place and value.
Since the beginning of 2024 I have devoted my time to continue my story and to share the joy of dog and human connection with my amazing Muttley Crew.
Life on the road has me crisscrossing the country and the world sharing my love of dogs and deep commitment to improving our relationships with them.